A downloadable Alpha for Windows

Hi, i'm currently a college student studing videogame programing. This is the project I was working for the trimester. It's a small game but quite fun. It has a small story to explain what's happening, And it goes like this:  

"You're infiltrate in a enemy base without any escape. The deadline Court will not go easy on you and will take you out fast. Use everything in your path to balance things, knowing well the Mavericks won't help you this time. You are on your own.  SURVIVE"

Pretty neat, right? So, please, fell free to download the game and experience my creation. 

Just a warning,  the game can be difficult to dominate, and that's the fun of it. 


curent-objective-s-win.zip 1.6 GB
Version 3 Nov 14, 2023

Install instructions

To download the game click the button, it will download a file called: CurrentObjectiveSurvivePortfolioReadyGame. Because it's a zip file, you must un-zip it to play it. In the new folder made, search for the icon called default. exe. Here you can enjoy my game. 

Have fun! :D